This is (, a site dedicated to the various GameFAQs contests. It is run by GameFAQs user creativename.

If you experience any problems with the site, or have any other comments, you can contact me at:

Find the stats topic

Find the Oracle Challenge topic

Site Feature Notes
  • The graphing function has two "hidden" features - you can pass how many updates you want graphed by setting "&max=N" in the URL(e.g., for the first 10 updates, &max=10), as well as the desired time difference between updates in seconds (e.g., 300 seconds for 5 minute updates, &seconds=300). For instance, to see the first 30 15 minute updates for Link vs. Cloud 2K6, set &seconds=900&max=30 in the URL

You can find a simple version of the latest poll results, which can be viewed easily from cell phones, at

X-Stat Tools

Generalized x-stats esimators - input strength values and get estimates of how the match would go:

Here is an Excel spreadsheet where you can use Excel Solver to generate X-Stat values for matches with up to 6 characters, based on the actual match results:
*Morgoth's X-Stats
*The instructions on how to use it are located in a worksheet within the spreadsheet.
*The explanation for the theory that this is based on: Morgoth's Theory

User NGamer has created a website for x-stats.

User RPGuy96 has created an Extrapolated Standings Calculator—a downloadable tool that can be used to estimate the results of hypothetical match-ups based on past data. To use it, you will need the Java Runtime Environment.